Outcast troubleshooting guide
Version 2 / 30-6-99
This troubleshooting guide will be updated each time we will find any new solution to solve user problems When multiple solutions for a problem are listed in this guide, in most case only one of them will solve the problem.
You can get the patch 1 here :
The patch2 will be available soon
Problems Solutions
After installation : nothing is on the hard drive
(especially on Windows 98 SE)
Use patch1
When the game starts, the following message appears :
direct draw surface creation failed
(especially on Windows 95)
Set your desktop to this resolution :
640 x 480 x 24 bit colors (or 32 bit colors)
  Update your video drivers
  Remove all resident programs
  Use patch2
The screen is flickering during the game
(especially on TNT cards)
Change the game resolution
  During the game press alt + tab to switch back to desktop then pres alt + tab again to come back to the game
  Change the Vsynch setting of your graphics card
If you didn't find this option you can directly change it in the registery under the nvidia section
  remove cursor caching in the advanced control panel in d3d settings
  Try to change de resolution and the number of colors of your desktop
  Update your video drivers
(For TNT cards, on d128.com you can get the new beta drivers 2.03)
  Use framed mode
  Remove all resident programs
  Use patch2
When the game starts, the screen stays black but I still can hear normally the sound.
(especially on graphics cards with ATI chipset)
Use the framed mode if you want 400x300 resolution because the ATI doesn't support this video mode.
The CD2 or CD1 animation continues even when this CD is in the drive
(especially with some DVD drives)
Remove all resident programs, CD / Mp3 players, web watching & antivirus...
You need to uninstall them because disabling them is not always solving the problem.
  Put the CD2 in the drive then reset your computer and click on the Outcast icon
  Try to map your CD Rom drive on a different letter (avoid last letters, use d, e, ...)
  Update your CD Rom driver
  Disconnect / uninstall joystick
  Try to switch off the DMA of the CD or DVD drive
  disable the MPEG card (dxR2) via Device Manager for a profile. Then re-boot Windows and select that profile.
  check if the CD Rom drive can play audio cds, try to turn it on in the control panel
  Avoid using multiple CD Rom drives
  Use patch2
When I click on the Outcast icon, the program loads for about 10 seconds, then nothing happens
(especially with some DVD drives)
Update your CD Rom driver
  After clicking on the icon, wait 5 to 10 minutes
  Try to switch off the DMA of the CD or DVD drive
  disable the MPEG card (dxR2) via Device Manager for a profile. Then re-boot windows and select that profile.
  check if the CD Rom drive can play audio cds, try to turn it on in control panel
The game won't run on Pentium Pro or on non MMX Pentium It's normal, the game only runs on MMX compatible machines (including P II and P III)
Some sounds are missing or looping while playing (fire, explosions, �) Update the sound card drivers
  Disable 3D sound option
  Use patch2
The framed mode is always active even after changing it It is because your graphics card doesn't support the resolution you are asking for.
The game returns to Windows just after the loading and I do have a sound card with the Aureal A3d 2 chipset in my configuration If your are using the v4.06.2030 drivers for your sound card then download the v4.06.2015 drivers
You can get the v2015 drivers from ftp.a3d.com/pub/Public/Drivers/Vortex/w9x2015eng_full.zip
The PC buzzer beeps continuously due to a keyboard overflow or some keys are not responding Disconnect all unnecessary peripherals (joystick, joypad, scanners)
  Remove all resident programs, CD / Mp3 players, web watching, exotic mouse programs & antivirus...
You need to uninstall them because disabling them is not always solving the problem.
  Change the keyboard mapping in the option menu
I have problems when the intro movie plays:
crash, pause, wrong colors
Check your MPEG codec and install a regular codec and desinstall any third party codec
  Escape the video with the ESC key
The game asks me to free 128 MB on my hard disk but I have plenty of free space
or the game crashes during play with no reason
The 128 MB needed are on the Windows hard drive (the one on which Windows is installed)
  Make sure that windows is in auto management of the virtual memory, check this in :
start\settings\control panel\system\performance\virtual memory
  Try to link the windows swap file with another hard drive if you have more than one, you can do this in :
start\settings\control panel\system\performance\virtual memory
  Defrag your Windows hard drive (Windows needs continuous disk space to swap)
Some people have reported that the following manipulations have solved some problems: Updating all drivers
  Reinstalling DirectX6.0
  Rebooting the computer
  Uninstalling all resident programs
  Defrag hard drives
  Switching between Windows95 and Window98
  Changing game resolution
  Using framed mode
  Using cinemascope mode
  Uninstalling VisualBasic
  Disconnecting multiple CD Rom drives
  Doing this :
1: backup you .INI file
2: open loader.ini file in the 'OC' folder.
3: set 'first time' to: FALSE.
4: boot game